In October 2015, students were asked who they thought were outstanding instructors in the University of Wisconsin MBA Consortium program. The results from the survey are in and students selected the following:
Fred Kolb, UW-Eau Claire, Elective courses
Fred teaches the Incorporation of Exchange Rates in Strategic Decision-Making and Fundamental Methods of Forecasting elective courses each year for the Consortium. Fred designs dynamic online courses by incorporating learning materials in multiple formats, including printed and electronic textbook materials and short video clips. Fred also does an amazing job connecting with his students by posting News messages daily in the course. Some of his posts include course-related current events, feedback on course activities, and even some updates from his adventures in Switzerland, where he spends part of his time when teaching for our program. “I cannot say enough good things about Fred Kolb,” commented one student. “I thoroughly enjoyed his class. He kept it interesting. He knew it was a lot to cover in a short amount of time so he made sure you had all you needed to grasp the concepts at each section. I loved seeing and reading about his trip to Europe!”
Bryan Lilly, UW-Oshkosh, Foundation courses
Bryan teaches the Statistical Analysis Foundation course for the Consortium program. When Bryan took the course over in 2011, he changed the course design to a case-based model. This new model allowed students to apply statistical concepts using real-world scenarios that they would encounter in their managerial roles. Students have received this new design model very positively, citing that it’s challenging but effective, and even fun. Additionally, Bryan is an extremely involved online instructor. He provides in-depth feedback to all students on assignments and does so in a very timely manner. Commenting on Bryan’s quick turn-around time, one student said, “He was so fast in his response, I often thought he knew what we were going to ask before we even thought of it.”
Sue Norton, UW-Parkside, Module courses
Sue serves as the lead instructor in the Module 1 course, Strategies for Managing Ongoing Operations. In her role as lead instructor, she teaches the organizational management material in the course and also ensures that the course logistics run smoothly since this integrated course is team taught by two other instructors. Sue is a perfect fit for this role in that she models effective strategies for ensuring effective organizational management. She does a great job making her presence known in the online environment and connecting with her students. Most student comments echoed what this student had to say about Sue: “She took the time to really make sure you learned and understood the material and was there if you had any questions. This class proved to be very helpful to me.”
We congratulate and thank these instructors for their efforts in making their courses, and therefore the UW MBA Consortium program, the best it can be.