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Alumni Impact – Krista Hoglund

Krista Hoglund UW MBA Consortium graduation: December 2023 Occupation: Chief Executive Officer for Security Health Plan UW MBA Consortium program alumna dedicates career to affordable health care access Growing up in rural Wisconsin, Krista Hoglund saw firsthand the challenges and barriers people living in rural areas face when it comes to obtaining...

Alumni Impact – Tina Diamond

Tina Diamond BA, BSW, MSW, RSW, MBA, CHRL UW MBA Consortium graduation: 2016 Occupation: Chief Executive Officer for the Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County. Individual support and unique learning help UW MBA Consortium alumnus grow her career Before pursuing her MBA, Tina Diamond ’16 was a practicing social worker seeking a...

Alumni Impact – Jon Page

Jon PageUW MBA Consortium graduation: 2014Occupation: President of Pexco Aerospace, a TransDigm Group Co., Yakima, Washington. Pexco is a world leader in manufacturing high-quality polymer parts for the aerospace industry. Alumnus credits UW MBA Consortium for optimizing management skills During the economic downturn of 2008, many of Jon Page’s counterparts were out of...

Alumni Impact – Craig Grzendzielewski

Craig GrzendzielewskiUW MBA Consortium graduation: 2017Occupation: Medical outcomes and analytics director, Pfizer, Inc. Dr. Craig Grzendzielewski credits his Doctor of Pharmacy training with giving him the skills to be an excellent clinician. When Grzendzielewski was looking for additional skills and knowledge in leadership, strategic planning and operational management to advance into leadership positions,...