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Students taking courses through the University of Wisconsin MBA Consortium were asked in October 2017 to nominate outstanding instructors from the program. We are pleased to announce the following winners of the 2017 UW MBA Consortium Outstanding Faculty awards:

Ben ArbaughBen Arbaugh, UW-Oshkosh, Module Courses

Ben is a two-time recipient of the Outstanding Faculty award. He’s been co-teaching the Module 4: Focusing on the Future course since it was first developed and delivered online in 2004. Students commented on his high-level of engagement in the course and ability to help students connect course concepts to their professional experiences. One student said, “My favorite thing about Dr. Arbaugh is that he is very interactive on D2L. It’s not a matter of him letting the students having a conversation. He participates and facilitates.” Another student elaborated by saying, “Professor Ben has been a consistent champion of the MBA students providing relevant curriculum and actively participating in discussions to challenge our understanding and expand our perspective. His dedication goes beyond simply wanting students to pass, but really wants them to apply what we’re learning to our work lives.”

Steve CastleberrySteve Castleberry, UW-Eau Claire, Elective Courses

Steve teaches the popular Selling Ideas at Work elective course for the Consortium program. Students indicated that Steve does a great job giving students immediate opportunities to apply course materials in their jobs. “Through this class, I improved my interviewing and persuasion skills to enable me to land a job that lifted my salary pretty substantially,” said one student. “I currently LOVE this job and use the skills from this class daily.” Students also noted Steve’s outstanding ability to connect with them in the online environment. One student commented that Steve, “went above and beyond any other instructor in the program. He really brought the classroom to life with his high level of energy and passion. He shared photos which added to the learning experience.”

Michelle GaborMichelle Gabor, UW-Parkside, Foundation Courses

Michelle taught online for the first time in 2017 for the UW MBA Consortium, but she performed like a seasoned instructor. Based on their feedback, students most valued the feedback Michelle provided in the Accounting Foundation courses. One student said, “Professor Gabor is the most timely instructor I’ve had in terms of responding to questions and grading assignments.” Another student shared, “Michelle provided excellent feedback on all the work we’ve done throughout the course. Her feedback was in fact one of the most valuable part[s] in learning the subject.”

We congratulate and thank these faculty for their efforts in making their courses, and therefore the UW MBA Consortium program, the best it can be.