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Over 40 faculty and administrative staff from across all the UW MBA Consortium partner campuses gathered for the 6th Annual UW MBA Consortium Faculty Meeting, on Thursday and Friday, January 13-14, 2022. Historically, the faculty and staff have gathered in Wisconsin Dells as a central meeting location, but for the past two years we have met virtually via Zoom. On Thursday, participants engaged in a curriculum review activity to continue refining the core curriculum. Attendees also engaged in discussions regarding proposed mission, vision, and values statements. On Friday, participants had the opportunity to discuss the book Small Teaching Online with colleagues and the author, Flower Darby.

Dr. Nancy Hanson-Rasmussen, professor of management from UW-Eau Claire and instructor for MBA 701: Leading a Dynamic and Diverse Workforce, attended both days of the annual meeting. She particularly enjoyed Flower’s book discussion. “Curriculum and delivery ideas from Flower Darby were helpful and timely,” says Hanson-Rasmussen. “I’ve read and cited her work in past projects, but the opportunity to meet her and ask her my most burning questions was exciting. The Chronicle of Higher Education often publishes Flower’s advice, and I enjoy knowing the author of these words of wisdom.”

Andy Miller, senior lecturer in management from UW Oshkosh, also valued Flower’s contributions to the meeting. “I really enjoyed the opportunity to read the book on small teaching online, and then get a chance to discuss it with my peers,” says Miller. “We were able to identify a lot of ways to do small tweaks to online courses that pay large dividends.” Miller teaches several courses for the UW MBA Consortium program including the core course MBA 705: Navigating Change amid Uncertainty.

Prior to the live meeting, faculty also engaged in a Canvas course developed by the iDocs team of instructional designers and other administrative staff. Faculty and staff had an opportunity to network with each other and complete a tutorial that provides faculty with guidance when reporting academic and non-academic misconduct.

Thursday’s portion of the meeting was concluded by recognizing outstanding faculty from the program based on student nominations. Dr. Jennifer Johs-Artisensi, professor of healthcare administration from UW-Eau Claire and instructor of the MBA 789: Health Care Organization and Delivery, was the 2021 recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Award.

See the full article about the 2021 Outstanding Faculty Award recipient.

UW MBA Consortium Faculty & Staff Meet in Zoom

2022 UW MBA Consortium Faculty Meeting in Zoom