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Costs & Financing

2023-24 Academic Year - The cost per credit for a Consortium MBA course (Business Essential, Core, or Elective) is $825 per credit, regardless of residency.

2024-25 Academic Year - The cost per credit for a Consortium MBA course (Business Essential, Core, or Elective) is $850 per credit, regardless of residency.

*There is also a one-time graduation processing fee (currently $85) after a student has accumulated 21 credits.

Estimated costs can be calculated by multiplying total number of required credits by the cost per credit. You should budget roughly an additional $3,000-$4,000 for books and reading materials which will vary in price depending on where you get materials and classes you take.

Financial Aid

You may apply for financial aid if you are currently enrolled or applying for admission on at least a half-time basis (four credits during the fall or spring semesters; three credits in summer). Because UW-Eau Claire manages admissions for the MBA Consortium, you will apply for financial aid through the UW-Eau Claire Office of Financial Aid. You cannot be enrolled as a "Special Student" and receive financial aid.

You are urged to submit your application for financial aid as early as possible.
To apply, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Additional Financial Assistance

There may be additional opportunites for financial assistance for those admitted to the MBA degree program. Fellowship and graduate assistantship opportunities are determined each spring for the following academic year. If funds are available, we'll notify those admitted to the program how to apply.

Fellowships are typically one-time $500-$1,000 awards and only one is usually available each year.

Graduate assistants primarily work with one or two faculty members per year to support research. Other responsibilities could include conducting research and entering data for the MBA Office, and/or supporting classroom instruction. These positions are typically 10 hours per week, but can range from 6-20 hours per week based on a number of factors.

Blugold Central

To learn more about applying for financial aid or federally subsidized student loans, contact:

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